Why It’s Smart to Carry Smartphone Protection

Accidents happen. There will always be those days when someone asks “Why me?” when their life goes down the toilet in the form of their smartphone. It’s a given that just about anything that can happen will happen and everyone has a story about an outlandish or unlikely mobile phone mishap. Accidents are inevitable and […]

School Technology: Pros & Cons of Devices in the Classroom

Thanks to technology, the world is an incredibly small place and knowledge is easier to find than ever before. So how important is technology in the 21st Century classroom? One way to answer that question is to weigh the pros and the cons. But first, classroom technology should be defined. What is classroom technology In […]

GC: School Rules

School Rules Homework shouldn’t be a “second shift” for kids, parents or teachers! “PDF”—play, downtime, and family time—has replaced homework for kindergartners,1st graders, and 2nd graders at one Chicago  elementary school. Calling it a “grand experiment,” Hamilton Elementary School principal James Gray hopes  that eliminating homework will help children develop a genuine love of learning, […]

BYOD Programs for K-12: The Advantages

Schools all over the country are embracing programs known as BYOD an acronym for “bring your own device.” BYOD programs encourage students to use their own personally owned mobile devices  onto campus, devices such as laptops, cellphones, tablets and any other devices that can at least access the internet and the schools network.  In a recent 2014 survey conducted by the […]